Three ways To Maximize Your Imagination

Imagination is no doubt an instrumentality of success. So for everyone that dreams of a successful and fulfilled life, you must harness and maximize your imagination. The frequency of the wavelength of your imagination must be very high. In this episode, we shall examine three ways to maximize your imagination for a life of optimal success.

Imagine the Impossible

One interesting fact about challenges is that they are seemingly daunting in their outlook. Consequently, conquest over these daunting challenges seems to be an impossible task. And because of this we always develop a negative mindset. So many people have become victims of circumstance because of this. Many have even succumbed to the pressures of these challenges. Many are dealt with the fatal blow of failure. But the good news is that even in the midst of these daunting challenges success is still possible. Don’t fail to understand that no matter how impossible and knotty the circumstance might seem you can still succeed.

There is no impossibility that is not possible when we imagine it. Hence, one sure way to maximize our imagination and make success possible is to imagine the impossible. The only thing that will make success impossible in the face of challenges is if we fail to imagine it is possible. So from now on if we want to make a positive impact in life we must begin to imagine it is possible even when it is seemingly impossible or unrealistic. In my previous post, I did say that our imagination carries the power to turn every picture we have captured in our minds into reality, no matter how impossible it might seem. Let us factor a handy situation, here.

And they said, go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven… And the Lord said behold the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

This is the purest form of imagination. It clearly depicts the audacity of imagination. Building a tower whose top will reach heaven with bricks and mortar, in the Stone Age was the most insane and impossible thing to do. It was the craziest and the most impossible thing to do, yet they imagined it and it became possible. Similarly, there was a time in human history that space travel was seemingly impossible. Today with the breakthrough in space technology what seems impossible years back is now possible. It started with imagination. Someone imagined it is possible. Humans can now travel to the moon, mars, and other outer spaces.

With imagination, we can accomplish anything even the impossible. What is it that you want to accomplish? Does it seem impossible? Just imagine it then you will realize how possible it is. Imagining the impossible gives birth to creativity and innovation. By engaging your imagination you can build the capacity to confidently and consistently

Believe the Impossible

Another way to maximize your imagination is to believe your imagination is possible no matter how unrealistic it may seem. No matter how impossible it may seem in outlook just believe it can become a reality. Believe that the impossible imagination is feasible. This is what I termed the feasibility of imagination.

And the Lord said behold the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do; and nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do- Genesis 11:6.

In the above scripture, they were able to actualize their impossible imagination because they spoke one language. Note that imagination understands only one language. And that is the language of faith. It does not answer to the dissenting voice of fear but faith. That is to say, we cannot turn our imagination into reality when we still speak the language of fear. Imagination is driven by faith. Hence faith is the driver of imagination. It is sustained by faith. If we cannot believe what we imagine then it cannot become real. Faith makes our imagination feasible. When faith is involved then we are convinced and certain beyond reasonable doubt that the image we capture in our minds is bound to become real no matter how impossible.

…if only you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes –Mark 9:23.

This is the secret of Abraham’s success. Remember, when God told him he could still have a son, the first thing he did was to imagine it in his mind. The image he captured was that of him becoming a father, not just a father but the father of nations. Although medically and scientifically the odds were against him he believed in God and the impossible became possible. Here I want to state that Isaac is a product of Abraham’s imagination and his strong faith in God. I know some people might want to disagree with me, but I will explain.

The human mind is very analytical in nature. Practically we all know this so there is no theorizing about it. When the mind receives or hears a word it analyses and processes, and interprets the word as an image. That is imaging. It is the language the mind understands. In the human mind words are represented by images. For instance, if I describe a house for you as a white-colored one-story building, fenced round with a red gate. Immediately you hear these descriptive words your mind will process them and turn them into images. Right now I know the image of this building is impressed in your mind and you are on a mind trip to this particular house.

Such is the power of imagination, and it is a gift from God. In life, if you cannot imagine your success then forget it. Faith says I cannot see it but I believe it is possible. It becomes a case of what you believe is what you get or who you become. Though, our imagination may be scientifically, medically, financially, materially, and emotionally impossible yet it is possible when we believe. So, we can believe the impossible but we must enlarge our minds. Enlarging our minds empowers us to believe that no imagination is impossible.

Dare the Impossible

The third way we can maximize our imagination is to dare the impossible. There is practically nothing that we cannot do, including the impossible through the instrumentality of imagination. With our imagination, we can do tremendous things that we think are impossible. Imagination elicits action. It triggers the urge to concretize whatever we have visualized in our minds. Through action, our imaginations are turned into reality. Hence, our action is an outlet whereby we express our most impossible imagination. And people who do the impossible are people who wake up to the reality that they can do the impossible. However, our greatest undoing will be if we live below the level of our ability. The truth is that we have the ability to do the impossible or to achieve more even beyond our own imagination.

The key to doing the impossible is to dare the impossible. And to do this we must take responsibility. In taking responsibility we gain control over our challenges and command the impossible. Taking responsibility entails action. It entails doing something about our challenges. Taking action is one of the ways to put to test our ability to do the impossible. We are all responsible for every action we take in life. Come to think of it, that challenge that you think is impossible have you dared it. We can test our ability to do the impossible. And to do this it requires action.


A meaningful life is all about taking constructive risks whether you succeed or not. – Brian Souza.

Daring the impossible also entails risk-taking. Risk-taking is one of the dynamics of life. And so life becomes so boring and meaningless without risk-taking. It is a recipe everyone that desires to do the impossible must subscribe to. We must take risks if we are willing to succeed and live a fulfilled life. Risk-taking is a choice we make in life. It is either we make this choice and rise above our impossibility or our life will be stalemated. And when we don’t take necessary risk we will be dangerously enmeshed in the complex web of impossibility. If you don’t try it you would not it is possible.

It is now crystal clear that our capacity to do the impossible is inextricably tied to our ability to dare the impossible or take risks. The more risk we take and succeed the more we will command the impossible. Therefore, to succeed in life we must put away fear and confront the realities of our challenges, taking necessary risks. So what is that thing that portends grave danger or poses a threat to your success or progress in life? It may be the challenge of executing a business plan, expanding your business, securing loans, increasing sales, or surviving in a keenly competitive industry, etc. Whatever it is, remember you must dare the impossible. You must damn the consequences take the necessary risks and move on with life. There is no better way to dare the impossible than risk-taking.

Imagine, believe, dare the impossible

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