The Audacity of Imagination: Achieve More! Pt 2

Understanding the audacity of imagination is the key to achieving more. One major feature of imagination is that it is audacious. It has the ability to inspire us to do and achieve more. By believing we can achieve our imaginations, we can turn them into reality. No matter how unrealistic it may seem in outlook there is this feeling in us that it can become a reality. In clearer terms, our imagination is possible to achieve. Believe that the imagination is feasible. This is what I termed the feasibility of imagination.

In the tower of Babel, they were able to prevail because they spoke one language. Note that the audacity of imagination understands only one language. And that is the language of faith. It does not answer to the dissenting voice of fear but faith. That is to say, we cannot turn our imagination into reality when we still speak the language of fear. Imagination is driven by faith. Hence faith is the driver and sustainer of imagination.

An imagination driven by faith is an audacious one. If we cannot believe what we imagine then it cannot become real. Faith makes our imagination feasible. When faith is involved then we are convinced and certain beyond reasonable doubt that the image we capture in our minds is bound to become real no matter how impossible. 

Valid Secret

Abraham leveraged the audacity of imagination in his experience with God. At the age of hundred when God promised Abraham a son Sarah his wife was already seventy-five and at this age, it is medically and scientifically difficult if not impossible to conceive a child. She has passed her menopausal age and her womb at this age was too weak to carry a child. Abraham did not stagger at this promise because of the impossible outlook. He was strong in faith and eventually, it became possible, (Romans 4: 17-20). There is no impossibility with faith. When we add faith to our imagination it becomes audacious. It will amount to the audacity of imagination. 

This was the secret of Abraham’s success. When God told him he could still have a son, the first thing he did was to imagine it in his mind. The image he captured was that of him becoming a father, not just a father but the father of nations. Although the odds were against him he believed in God more and the impossible became possible. Here I want to state that Isaac is a product of Abraham’s imagination and his strong faith in God. He was a product of an audacious imagination. I will explain.

The Analytical Mind

The human mind is very analytical. Practically, we all know this so there is no theorizing about it. When the mind receives or hears a word it analyses, processes, and interprets the word as an image. That is imaging. It is the language the mind understands. In the human mind words are represented by images. For instance, if I describe a house for you as a white-colored one-story building, fenced round with a red gate. Immediately you hear these descriptive words your mind will process them and turn them into images. Right now I know the image of this building is impressed in your mind and you are on a mind trip to this particular house. 

Such is the audacity of imagination, it is a powerful asset. Abraham had it too, and he engaged it maximally. So when he received the promise he visualized it through his imagination and mixed it with it faith. In his imagination, he captured the image of Isaac and believed God that it was possible and the impossible became possible. By faith our abstract imagination becomes real. Hence, faith is seeing the things that is yet to manifest. It is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. We can touch it; we can feel it as though it is real.

Faith puts our impossible imagination within reach. In life, if you cannot imagine your conquest or success then forget it. Faith says though I cannot see it yet I believe it is possible. It becomes a case of what you believe is what you get or who you become.

The Audacious Imagination defies Logic

Though our imagination may be scientifically, medically, financially, materially, and emotionally impossible it is possible when we believe. So, we can believe the impossible but we must enlarge our minds. Enlarging our minds empowers us to believe that no imagination is impossible. Do everything to enlarge your heart, inflate it with faith, and give no room to fear. In this regard, faith is the currency with which we can trade with the supernatural.

There is a realm where nothing is practically impossible. It is the realm of the supernatural. It is the realm of possibility and the only currency accepted there is our faith. The language of the supernatural realm is the language of possibility. By faith, we make demands for the impossible. The more we believe the more possible it becomes. Hence we must believe in our God-given abilities, we must also believe in God. At this point, we are supercharged to dare the impossible.

There is practically nothing that we cannot do, including the impossible through the instrumentality of imagination. With our imagination, we can do tremendous things that we think are impossible. Imagination elicits action. It triggers the urge to concretize whatever we have visualized in our minds. Through action, we can turn our imaginations into reality. Hence, your action is an outlet through which you can express your most impossible imagination. People who do the impossible are people who wake up to the reality that they can do the impossible. However, the greatest undoing of any people is to live below the level of their ability. The truth is that we can achieve more even beyond our imagination.

Programmed to Achieve More

We are endowed with the ability to do and achieve more. We can even dare the impossible because of our audacious imagination. By our make-up, we can achieve more if we push ourselves beyond our limits. But the key to achieving more is to believe that we can do so. You must believe in your abilities. Also, believe that with this ability you can achieve whatever you have imagined. However, you are doomed to make a shipwreck or become a victim of circumstance, if you cannot believe in yourself or in your ability.

The Audacity of Imagination and Responsibility

One key benefit of the audacious imagination is that it helps in taking responsibility. To achieve more take responsibility for our actions. In taking responsibility we gain control over our challenges and command the impossible. Taking responsibility entails action. It entails doing something about our challenges. It is one of the ways to put to test our ability to do the impossible. We are all responsible for every action we take in life. The total of all these actions will determine whether we will excel and succeed in life or not. And it is high time we understood that until we take action in our challenges no one will take it for us.

No one but you will be responsible for your failures or achievements in life. It is only action, not inaction that guarantees our command of the impossible. Therefore we must be proactive. Take action now and do something to salvage the situations you don’t like. Come to think of it, that challenge that you think is impossible have you dared it. We can test our ability to do the impossible. And to do this requires action. That is the beauty of the audacity of imagination.

A Call to Action

The audacity of imagination stirs up a call to action. By action I mean an act that one consciously wills. This may be characterized by physical or mental activity. It includes all the conscientious efforts we make to salvage our situations in challenging times. These efforts could be spiritual, physical, or mental effort. However, for these efforts to have any effect on the challenging situations it must be driven by determination.

The average human being in the face of challenges does not like to take responsibility. That is the truth of the matter. Often we do not want to be responsible for failure in life. We either feel the time is not ripe for such action, or we are afraid of the unknown. We are always afraid of what lies ahead of us, the consequences of our actions.

However, it is important to note that in taking action we must not allow sentiments, emotions, or feelings to cloud our sense of judgment. Rather, we must all rise above our sentiments to take bold and decisive actions. We must understand that where we are today is a function of the actions of the past. And that where we will be in the future is a function of the responsibilities or actions of the present. Hence, the action we take today is a determinant of whether we break through or fail in life. Until we understand that the best time to take that life-transforming action is now we cannot experience the audacity of imagination.

The Audacity of Imagination and Risk-taking

A meaningful life is all about taking constructive risks whether you succeed or not.
Brian Souza.

The audacity of imagination dares the impossible. Daring the impossible also entails risk-taking. This is what the audacious imagination does – imagine the impossible. Risk-taking is one of the dynamics of life. And so life becomes so boring and meaningless without risk-taking. Risk-taking is a recipe everyone who desires to excel in life must subscribe to. We must take risks if we are willing to succeed and experience fulfillment in life.

Although nobody plans to fail in life, we are doomed to fail if we fail to take necessary risks in life. The knowledge that we can take these risks and succeed guarantees success in life. And when we succeed we become high flyers in any field. Risk-taking is a choice we make in life. It is either we make this choice and rise above our impossibility or our life will be stalemated. And when we don’t take necessary risks we risk dangerously enmeshing ourselves in the complex web of impossibility. Such is the audacity of imagination.

Tune in for more exciting blog posts. Till then imagine, believe, and dare the impossible!

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