Stay Focused: How to Guard Against Distractions.

To guard against the challenge of distraction you must stay focused. Staying focused is a premium attitude you must cultivate to deal with the negative effects of distraction. It is one of the 3-D Factors I mentioned in my book “The Threshold of Life”. Like discouragement, distraction is a fatal phenomenon and a threat to success. Distraction is anything that is not your intention. Whatever is not part of your vision or goal is a distraction. To get rid of distraction you must stay focused.

Take for instance, if your goal is to float a world-class IT firm and you have made the necessary arrangements for the takeoff. However, along the line, you purchased a car instead, not out of necessity but in luxury. That car is a distraction because it will affect the take-off of that IT firm which is your original goal. Similarly, anything that does not contribute to your advancement in life is a distraction to your success. Distraction is to lose focus. However, to succeed and be happy you must be focused-minded. The best option is to stay focused.

Set Your Eyes On the Mark

The best way to get rid of distractions and stay focused is to set your eyes on the mark. Don’t let your eyes off the mark. Focus on your target or goals, and avoid trivialities.

And Jesus said unto him, no man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God, (Luke 9:62).

Staying focused means only one thing, it means you are ready for business. Until you are focused you are a misfit to success. If you intend to succeed in life you must stay focused. Let your mind be in that pursuit if you dare to be successful. And let your soul flow into that pursuit. Set your eyes on your goals and everything will fall into place.

One Step at a Time

To stay focused you have to take a step at a time. Do one thing at a time. It is a distraction to do everything or to be everywhere at the same time. Trying to achieve different goals at the same time is also a distraction. It makes you lose focus. However, you must set your goals in bits. Achieve your goals one after another. Where one goal ends is where another goal begins.

 In wartime, a man was charged to keep custody of a prisoner of war, and while he was busy doing other things the prisoner escaped. Consequentially, he was punished severely for his mistake. Lesson, to be everywhere is to be nowhere. Don’t be so engrossed with trivialities as to allow an opportunity for success to slip out of your hands. Be focused; give your whole mind to your pursuit if you dare to succeed

Be Strategic

In staying focused you have to be strategic to know what is important and what is not. By being strategic your ability to discern between priorities and trivialities must be brought to bear. Priorities are our most important goals whereas trivialities are the least important ones. To live a successful life we must focus on achieving our most important goals that will optimally benefit us.

In pursuing success, you will have many goals simultaneously begging your attention. But any goal that is not your intention is trivial and does not deserve your attention. Give your priorities the much-needed attention. Do not divert your attention and energy to trivialities no matter how appealing or attractive they may look, that is a distraction.

Danger of Distraction

Let’s look at a case study that captures the essence of distraction and why it is important to stay focused. A ruler approached Jesus to come and heal her sick daughter. The daughter was twelve years old. On his way to the ruler’s house, a woman who had been plagued with the issue of blood came from behind and touched the helm of Jesus’ garment. The woman has suffered this sickness for twelve years as well. A twelve-year-old sick girl, and a twelve-year-old sickness. One was a priority, and the other a triviality. Both of them were seeking the attention of Christ.

Healing of the ruler’s daughter was a priority because Christ intended to heal her. On the other hand, the woman’s healing was a distraction even though it was good. It was the woman’s intention through her faith. Within the moment of that distraction, news came that the sick girl had died. Now imagine if Christ did not have healing power it would have cost the little girl’s life. Distraction is a fatal phenomenon, it is dangerous and deadly. Do everything to stay focused. Avoid distraction.

Understand that on the road to success, you will encounter many challenges begging for your attention simultaneously. However, any challenge that is not your intention does not deserve your attention. Do not divert your attention and energy to unimportant issues no matter how appealing or attractive they may look, that is a distraction.

Unfortunately, many have lost the opportunities to improve their lives and have a fulfilling life because of distractions. Be wise to guard your happiness and future with utmost carefulness. Stay focused and avoid distractions in your pursuit of fulfillment.

Get my book ‘The Threshold of Life‘ and read more about the topic.

Tune in for more exciting blog posts. Till then imagine, believe, and dare the impossible!

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