Selective Association: How It Can Motivate You to Soar.

Selective Association is one big and important lesson we must all learn from the bird called the eagle if we ever dream of a fulfilled life. By selective association, the eagle doesn’t just mingle with any other bird but with fellow eagles. An eagle can soar higher than any other bird. Eagles can fly up to an altitude of about 10,000ft which no other bird can reach. The eagle is a bird of pride and always lives at the summit of trees, cliffs, and mountains where no other bird can.

Interestingly, the eagle at such great height can only mingle with other eagles. Therefore, you must associate with high flyers to succeed in life. Those ready to motivate you to soar and soar to greater heights with you. Endeavor to work with a team of fellow eagles. In the words of Major Collin Powell, ‘If you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar’.

Prerequisite of Success

Selective Association is a prerequisite for success. Hence, I recommend it to you if you must have fulfillment in life. It means selecting those you will associate with. Your association with people determines whether you will find fulfillment in life The selective association is not ego, pride, or arrogance. Rather it is all about doing the needful in the pursuit of fulfillment.

Go and check. Any great personality who has a fulfilling life selects some people to associate with. And Jesus the greatest of them all was good in selective association. Note that he selected twelve disciples out of the multitude that thronged him. And out of the twelve he chose three – Peter, James, and John. Apart from his disciples, he has another group closer to him. People who understand his vision and who he confided in. These people were closer to him and understood him better.

... When it was day, he called unto him, his disciples: and of them, he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles – Luke 6:13
And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings he took peter and john, and James, and went up into the mountain to pray – Luke 9:28
 When he came into the house, he suffered no man to go in save peter, and James, and John ... Luke 8:51

Target Likeminds

By selective association, you will target like-minded people who believe in you. And also in your dreams and will go to any length to support you in achieving your goals. This entails you working with a community or team of like minds. Although you must relate with some people you must also work with a select few. These are people who understand your vision very well. This is a closed group or team; if you like call it a community inside a community.

In party politics, they are called the caucus. Something like the GOPs in the case of the Republican Party in the United States. They are the board of trustees in organizations. In addition, if you are the working class in any organization. Understand that you and your co-workers are carefully selected through interviews to associate with one another. The aim is to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.

Moreover, when you agree to work with such an organization you believe in their vision, mission statement, and core values. In other words, you and other staff believe in the organization’s philosophy. On the other hand, any staff that goes contrary to the organization’s core values is shown the exit door.

Why You Must Target Likeminds

Your happiness and satisfaction in any area of life depend on the people you associate with. So you must be careful in selecting these people. Surround yourself with people who have your utmost fulfillment at heart. Not people who will kill your dream before you actualize it. You must be selective in choosing the people you will associate with. This will help you deal with the problem of distrust.

Associate only with like-minded individuals, people with a success mentality. Endeavor to work with people who will motivate you to actualize your goals, people who believe in your dream. Discard those who lack confidence in you and your ability to actualize your dream. You will do this before they will kill your dream. Shield yourself with people ready to take the ‘bullet’ for you. Those that are willing to stand by you no matter the odds. These are people that will help you unpack your baggage of life. People who will help you live a happy and fulfilled life.

Culled from my book “The Threshold of Life “. Get your Copy and Learn more about Selective Association.

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