Originality Mentality: Dare to be Different.

Originality mentality is the right answer to the identity question. It is the panacea to identity crisis. The truth about life is that every one of us has peculiarities. It might interest you to know that just as the fingerprints and hair strands are peculiar to us. We have potentials and abilities that are unique to us. Hence, no matter how identical a set of twins may look they still differ from each other. These peculiar endowments that are unique to them distinguish one from the other. There might be a striking resemblance between the two things, but they differ organically. This organic difference makes us differ from one another by reason our potential is originality. Originality is the quality of being completely new and different from anything that anyone has thought of before.

There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars. For one star differs from another in glory (1Corinthians 15: 41)

Originality is all about identifying your innate peculiarities. It can be leveraged to success when you consolidate these peculiarities. It also entails defining your identity and being true to who you are. The term originality is all about sticking to your guns. It is the inevitable end; the final destination of the journey of self-discovery is originality. That is to say that the journey to self-discovery culminates in originality the very moment one defines one’s identity. Your unique way, style, or method of doing things that are only peculiar to you, is originality.

Originality Mentality Means Being Unique

In Summary, it means to be unique. It is being original in your chosen field. Originality mentality remains a critical option in solving the jigsaw puzzle of our identity. This is why we must consolidate our peculiarities, potentials, or abilities. It is these peculiarities that will form our identity. Hence, originality shapes your values, beliefs, and personality, as well as defines your identity.

I decided long ago
never to walk in anyone’s shadow.
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I lived as I believed.
No matter what they take from me.
They can’t take away my destiny.

These are the lyrics from Whitney Houston’s song – The Greatest Love of All. These lyrics to a very large extent truly capture the essence of the concept of originality mentality. The good side of originality is that it makes you stand out from the crowd. Originality is akin to carving a niche of your own.  It has a way of standing you out from others who may equally be exceptional in such a niche. The only difference then will be your style which is different from there’s.

Originality mentality has helped me a great deal in my adventure as a writer. I might write the same topic as others but my unique style of writing makes the difference. Hence my originality has paid off dearly as I have been able to impact and add value to my readers. There are testimonials to attest to that.

Originality Mentality vs. copycat Mentality

Another important aspect of the originality mentality is that it is a panacea to the copycat mentality. This mentality is a very dangerous and worrisome trend among the majority of people. There are so many ‘want to bees’ that fantasize about how to become like one role model. This is awesome, but while fantasizing you can explore your peculiarities. There are potentials and talents which are so unique to you from that of your role model. And this is what will make you stand out from such a person. The copycat mentality is akin to hiding in another man’s shadow. Consequently, hiding in another man’s shadow makes it impossible for you to define your identity.

The world is in dire need of novel and innovative ideas to solve its numerous problems. The world would be better if you could unleash your talents and freely express your potential unhindered. So you must do everything possible to bring to bear those peculiar endowments that providence has bestowed on you. Try not to live another man’s dream rather tailor your dreams according to those peculiar potentials of yours. Then, pursue them vigorously. Don’t live in another man’s world, instead create your world to your taste, with your potential. That is the originality mentality.

Copycat Mentality Breeds Counterfeit

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation – Herman Melville

In other words, you are a counterfeit if you are still bedeviled by this copycat mentality. Hence, if you are hiding under someone’s shadow, you are a counterfeit of such a person. When it is not original, it is certainly a counterfeit. Counterfeit is a bane to success. So, if you want to succeed imbibe the originality mentality. In addition, Originality boosts your self-esteem and enforces your dignity. Hence, your dignity is under threat if you are still hiding in another man’s shadow.

No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else – P.T. Barnum.

Never do a thing just because others are doing it. Don’t join the bandwagon. Always have a reason for doing the things you do. And let originality be the motivation behind each of your actions. Always dare to be different. Break the norm if need be. You must endeavor to create your signature. Do everything to consolidate your peculiarities. It is your leverage to your success. That is the originality mentality, and it is a plus to success.

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