How to Make Your Relationship Work

In order to make your relationship work the golden rule must be your reference point. What does it state? The golden rule states that you must ‘do unto others as you would like them to do unto you’. Hence, the golden rule is about you putting yourself in other people’s position; feeling their pain when they are in pain, and rejoicing with them in their happiness.

The golden rule is the ornament of love. In fact, if you want to make your relationship work optimally you must learn to love others. The dimension of happiness and fulfillment released on the platform of love is unimaginable. Through love, you can find fulfillment in virtually every kind of relationship. Hence, we need love in the pursuit of happiness in our business, career, marriage, friendship, and other relationships. Love affects the way we think, behave, and our attitude, friendship, and relationship with others. And certainly, through love each and every one of us can bring positive vibes to any relationship.

Love conquers fear, hatred, bitterness, malice, unforgiveness, jealousy, envy, and other vices. All these are toxic habits and are poisonous to any relationship. So learning to love will free your mind from all these toxins. If they are not taken care of they can negatively affect the relationship. And in such relationships, we cannot find happiness and fulfillment. Hence, love functions as a relationship sanitizer.

Be Kind to others

The golden rule is anchored on five elements of love, namely; kindness, giving, sacrifice, tolerance, and forgiveness. We can express our love for others through our kindness. Have milk of kindness. Show empathy. This is how to make your relationship work. You must be kind to everyone you meet whether you know such a person or not. In showing kindness you must be ready and willing to help those in need. And in helping them you must be selfless. You must help people unconditionally without expecting anything in return. That is the true color and nature of love.

Kindness is also about appreciation. Appreciate those that have added value to your life. Appreciate your business partners, customers, friends, family members, and anyone who has brought happiness into your life. You can call on the phone, send messages or make arrangements to meet with them face to face, where you can thank them for the unique impact they have on your life. By appreciating them they will be happy and do more to impact your life positively. And on the other hand, the level of your happiness and fulfillment in such a relationship will be unimaginable. Hence, if you have been there before you will know that every show of kindness carries with it a weight of fulfillment. There is great joy and happiness in kindness.

Learn to give in any Relationship

Giving is also another channel to express your love for others and your relationships with them work. Do you know that the true test of love is in giving? Love is a two-way thing. It involves giving and receiving. In your relationship, you will definitely receive love when you give love. And in the pursuit of fulfillment, you must give to impact the lives of people around you in order to be happy and fulfilled in life. So, love entails giving back to change people’s life for good. 

Make Sacrifices to make your Relationship work

You can make your relationship work through the sacrifices you make to see others happy.  Sacrifice in this regard is inconveniencing yourself to see that others around you are happy as well. You can make your marriage and other relationships work by inconveniencing yourself to love others. Sacrifice entails cost, compromise, and deep pain. You must inconvenience yourself if you hope to achieve a win-win situation where every party in the relationship is happy.  Try and be flexible always ready to compromise and adjust if you want fulfillment and happiness in any relationship. 

So many marriages have broken up, relationships destroyed, friendships gone sour and many have failed in the pursuit of happiness just because someone refused to make the sacrifice. They refused to shift ground but wanted to dictate the terms of such relationships. In fact, for you to love you must be ready to inconvenience yourself. Happiness and fulfillment in any relationship thrive best in an atmosphere where people are willing to sacrifice.

Be Ready to Tolerate

Tolerance is also another important quality you must possess if you want your relationship to work optimally. Learn to tolerate people the way they are. Accept their faults; accept their weaknesses and this will help them to gain confidence in that relationship. Understand that we all came from different backgrounds with different values and traditions and this explains the variations in personalities. Hence, if you can tolerate people irrespective of their shortcomings it will help them overcome their weaknesses and gain confidence. On the contrary, intolerance breeds hatred and there is no happiness or fulfillment in an atmosphere of hatred.

You must Readily Forgive

Forgiveness is also another important virtue of love. It helps a great deal to make any relationship work optimally. Forgiveness is letting go of any past offense and grievance against your person. Understand that not forgiving those that offended you imply that you will dwell in your past. This is very unhealthy as any offense or grievance you refuse to let go of becomes a burden. It brings rottenness to your mind. I remember when we newly got married. I categorically told my wife that I am not perfect by any standard. And that I might offend her but pleaded with her that before I offend her she must find a place in her heart to forgive me. It has perfectly worked for us, and we are waxing very strong in our relationship.

So many marriages have broken up, relationships have gone sour, and friends have even parted ways because of unforgiveness. It is very important that you know when to forgive. When is the best time to forgive? Immediately, your partner realizes his or her fault and apologizes to you asking for forgiveness. Please forgive. Once you hear this powerful phrase, ‘I am sorry’ do not hesitate to say ‘I forgive you’. These three-worded phrases are massive game changers in building strong and happy relationships. So don’t be so proud to say them when necessary. Stop dwelling in your past, don’t hold any grudge or malice against anyone just forgive and let go. Obey the golden rule, love everyone without dissimulation. Remember, the person you love might be the key to your happiness and fulfillment in that relationship. This is the smartest way to make your relationships work.

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