Career Fulfillment: The Three Big Questions to A Rewarding Career-Part Two.

Sequel to my previous post on career fulfillment, the third big question you must ask yourself is whether the work environment is conducive for you to give in your best. By the work environment I mean the entire organizational ecosystem. The organizational ecosystem includes the entire system like the office spaces, the organizational framework, the rules and regulations, the administrative procedures, the management, and staff, etc  All these make up the entire ecosystem. In a situation where the environment is not conducive, there will be no career fulfillment. Basically, if a work ecosystem is not conducive then it is toxic. A toxic environment is a hotbed of career crises. It is a working environment that is rife with threats to safety, insecurity, and toxic people.

Is The Work Ecosystem Conducive?

An environment that is full of toxic people is not conducive to career fulfillment. Don’t associate or surround yourself with toxic people. They are poisonous to your mind. And you must avoid them like a plague. Here is the truth, if you are surrounded by people with negative energy instead of inspiring you they will end up discouraging you. Gradually they will corrupt your mind with their negative whining. Toxic people don’t talk good about the management nor do they see anything good about the organization. They backbite and they are wailers. You must run as much as you can from this set of people. It is recommended that you socially distance yourself from such negative influences; they make the work ecosystem very unconducive for you. You must do it if you desire a fulfilling and rewarding career.

Workplace Hostility Is A Bane On Career Fulfillment

Hostility in the workplace is also a major reason for career crises. It can be hostility of staff against fellow staff or boss against subordinates. Within such a work ecosystem, there is hatred, bitterness, rancor, suspicion, and threat to life among workers. And such an environment does not promote job satisfaction. It is a system that promotes the repression and victimization of staff. I have even seen cases where the so-called bosses insult, assault, and bully their subordinates. Are you a boss in your office and the only way you can prove that you are the boss is by yelling at and slapping those under you? In an office setting, it is not only ethically wrong but also morally and legally wrong. 

Career crises may also be triggered by the system of operation within the ecosystem. How do they run their business? Is it technologically driven? How sophisticated is the technology? Does it require basic or advanced knowledge? You will not find career fulfillment if you are not at par with the level of technology operating in the work ecosystem. In fact, working in this post covid-19 workplace requires a certain level of digital knowledge. You must build your digital capacity.

Are You Really Happy?

The pursuit of fulfillment should be paramount in your career. Your happiness and satisfaction should be the main focus of your job. Are you really happy with your job? I am reiterating here that you cannot have a fulfilling career if you are not happy with your job. How do you know that you are happy with your job? It is when you carry out your job tasks with so much passion. That is you experience an inner joy and peace in carrying out your official assignments. On the other hand, when you are resentful about your job it may be that you are not happy about it.

In your next career move think twice, and ask yourself these three big questions about your job – Do I really like the Job? Am I in Agreement with the organization’s business philosophy? Is the work ecosystem conducive for me? If there is a ‘no’ answer to any of the questions that is a red flag to your career fulfillment. Chances are that you might experience a career crisis instead of happiness and satisfaction.

Culled from my book “The Threshold of Life “. Get your Copy and Learn more about Career Fulfillment.

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